
Linux Krypt Turbo Installation

To install Krypt Turbo on Linux, you will need the following:

API Key:
The API you received when signing up for the Krypt Turbo service on my.krypt.com.

Krypt Turbo Installer
Available at http://dl.krypt.com/turbo/KryptTurboLinux.tar.gz

First you will need to download the file, extract and make sure the files inthe directory are executable:

# wget http://dl.krypt.com/turbo/KryptTurboLinux.tar.gz
# tar xzf KryptTurboLinux.tar.gz
# cd KryptTurboLinux
# chmod +x *
Next run the script. Enter your API key (it will not show up in the terminal)and then enter ‘install’ at the next prompt:

# ./KryptTurbo.sh
Please enter the VPLS API licensing key:
Do you want to or KryptTurbo: install
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘which’ utility
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘md5sum’ utility
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘base64’ utility
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘wget’ utility
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘ipcs’ utility
[SUCCESS]: Discovered ‘sysid-32’ and ‘sysid-64’ utilities
[SUCCESS]: System shared memory requirements met
[SUCCESS]: Discovered local system network adapter ‘eth0’
[SUCCESS]: Discovered local system’s IP address ‘###.###.###.###’
[SUCCESS]: Discovered system kernel version ‘2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64’
[SUCCESS]: Discovered system architechture – 64-bit
[SUCCESS]: Discovered system distribution and release – CentS 6.4
[SUCCESS]: Discovered total avaliable system memory ‘1020488’
[SUCCESS]: Generated local system ID – ‘############’
[SUCCESS]: Submitting license install request to API server
[SUCCESS]: Received ‘200’ – Successfully activated KryptTurbo license
[SUCCESS]: Response parameters look OK
[SUCCESS]: Retrieved KryptTurbo installer package – ‘lotServerInstaller.tar.gz’
[SUCCESS]: Extracted KryptTurbo installation package to current directory
[SUCCESS]: Relocated application to ‘/appex’ directory
[SUCCESS]: License file generated and MD5 checksum looks good
[SUCCESS]: Set inital configuration values
[SUCCESS]: KryptTurbo installation complete – starting now
LotServer is not running!
(license #######################)
Short-RTT bypass has been enabled
If there are no errors in the request, the license key will be installed and Krypt Turbo will start right away.

Download installation manual : http://dl.krypt.com/turbo/KryptTurboLinux.pdf

版权声明:本文采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权, 转载请注明出处。
文章名称:《Linux Krypt Turbo Installation》
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